9. Corruption 侵蚀
Approximately twenty thousand Standard years ago, a strange corruption spread through the Decepticon forces. Exactly what this was is unknown; some have said that it was Unicron, reaching across space with his will and touching Primus's children, dividing them against themselves. In any event, the Decepticons very abruptly became radically imperialistic, militant and cruel. Scorponok himself was one of the first to fall to this corruption, becoming a maniacal dictator, but not losing his sense of strategic planning _or_ his ability to take a battlefield situation that has gone outside his plans and command his troops to an improvised victory. These skills proved devastating when he turned them against the local militia.
大约在两万年以前,一种奇怪的侵蚀在霸天虎部队中蔓延开来。没有人知道这种东西究竟是什么;一些人说这种东西来自于Unicron, 他的意志穿透了无尽的空间感染了Primus的子民,让他们自相残杀。无论如何,霸天虎们突然从根本上变得残酷,军事化和崇尚帝制。蝎子王自己就是最初被这种侵蚀感染的霸天虎中的一员,变成了狂暴的独裁者。但是他并没有丧失他制定战略的天赋,也就是他那种能够扭转战场上的颓势并取得最终胜利的能力。这些能力无疑是破坏性的,当他把矛头转向了本地民兵的时候。
However, the Guardians proved impossible to defeat except by massed attacks and seemingly endless sieges. Losses of Decepticon forces were so heavy in the destruction of a single Guardian that the Decepticons were forced to go to the Mandalorians _again_, this time for a weapon which could defeat the Guardians. The Mandalorians, who were not fools, had not built into the Guardians anywhere near their greatest potential power, however, and to defeat them, they simply rented to the Decepticons (who could by no means afford to purchase them) five Heavy War Droids, the most terrifying engines of destruction yet created.
然而,那些曾经证明是不可战胜的守护者机器人最终在无休止的大量攻击面前败下阵来。霸天虎付出了极其惨重的代价才能消灭一个守护者机器人。这些巨大的代价逼着霸天虎再次去马达洛人那里寻求帮助,这次是一种能够消灭守护者机器人的武器。 马达洛人也不是傻瓜,他们在建造守护者机器人的时候没有采用他们顶尖的技术。他们租借给霸天虎五个巨型战争机器人(霸天虎们买不起)来消灭守护者。这些战争机器人是有史以来最令人恐惧的破坏机器。
(注:根据google, Droid是在科幻小说星球大战中使用的智能机器人)
The five War Droids had wiped out the Guardians by the end of the Standard year, and Cybertron belonged to the Decepticons.
Sidebar: The Last Guardian 补充说明:最后一个守护者
One of the Guardian robots did survive the Decepticon terror, and became one of the Autobots' staunchest defenders. His name is Omega Supreme, and he was the Guardian of Iacon itself. The story of his survival is one of the few truly touching moments of Cybertron's civil-war period. Before the Corruption came, Omega Supreme befriended a Decepticon unit which frequented the Iacon area, the Constructicons. The Constructicons, being away from headquarters, were untouched by the initial sweep of the Corruption, and were horrified when their forces began to destroy the Guardians. They went underground, trying to figure out what to do.
在守护者机器人中有一个从霸天虎的恐怖统治下幸存了下来,并且成为最坚定的汽车人中的一员。他的名字叫做Omega Supreme, 也是Iacon的守护者机器人。有关他幸存下来的故事是为数不多的塞伯特恩内战时期的动人故事之一。在侵蚀发生之前,Omega Supreme和一个经常出现在Iacon地区的霸天虎小队成了好朋友。这个霸天虎小队就是建筑机器人。(注:就是组成大力神的那几个建筑机器人。) 因为距离总部很远,所以建筑机器人最初没有被侵蚀接触到。当他们的部队开始攻击守护者机器人的时候他们被吓坏了。他们转入地下,希望能够弄清楚究竟发生了什么事情。
Hook and Scapper, the team's design geniuses, came up with a plan involving radical reconfiguration of their bodies, a bizarre new take on the transformation process. They instituted design changes in all the Constructicons, working against the clock to be finished by the time the war reached Iacon.
Hook和Scapper, 团队中的两个设计天才,弄出来一个颠覆性的重新配置他们身体的方法,一种奇异的全新的变形过程。他们对所有的建筑机器人做了一些设计上的改动,抓紧一些时间希望在战争来到Iacon之前完成。
They barely made it. When they emerged from their bolthole, War Droid MG-5 was at the gates and doing battle with Omega Supreme, and Omega Supreme was losing badly. He was gravely wounded and could not survive much longer. The Constructicons, trusting in the genius of Hook and Scrapper, went into action, and put their bizarre plan into motion. They transformed to their construction-vehicle forms, and then transformed again, interlocking and uniting into one gigantic robot, the size of a Guardian and with the terrifying power of a force of nature and the combined intellect of all six Constructicons. This monstrous machine, calling himself Devastator, dispatched MG-5 without difficulty and saved Omega Supreme's life.
他们几乎完成了。当他们从隐蔽所暴露的时候,战争机器人MG-5正好在大门口和Omega Supreme战斗。Omega Supreme输得很惨。他受到重创,没有什么生存下去的希望。出于对Hook和Scarpper的信任,建筑机器人开始行动,实施了他们奇异的计划。他们变成了他们建筑车辆的形态,然后他们再次变形,相互紧密结合形成了一个和守护者同样大小的巨型机器人。这个机器人天生就具有恐怖的杀伤力和六个建筑机器人的智慧总和。这个自称为破坏者(貌似当年的翻译有问题)的巨型机器人毫不费力的拆散了MG-5,救了Omega Supreme一命。
[Today, Scrapper claims that Devastator's name is actually an acronym, standing for Dynamic Excavation Vehicular Assault System for Threat Annihilation and Tactical Operation Response. The other Constructicons deny this; Bonecrusher goes so far as to say that Scrapper is "blowing it out his recirculator".]
Omega Supreme would go underground and reappear years later as an Autobot. The Constructicons, sadly, were caught up in the Corruption, but before it could happen, they modified themselves further, damaging the neuromimetic connections so that when Devastator was formed, he had the mind of an idiot. When they finally reported to Scorponok, they, with one final defiance of the Corruption, lied and told him they had destroyed MG-5 so that they could have Omega Supreme's kill for themselves, to prove Devastator's worth to the Decepticon cause.
Omega Supreme就此销声匿迹,很多年以后作为一个汽车人再次出现。不幸的是,建筑机器人们最终还是被侵蚀。不过在那发生之前,他们把自己做了进一步修改,破坏了模拟神经联接,所以当破坏者被组合的时候,他就是一个白痴。当他们最终为蝎子王卖命的时候,他们头脑中最后的一丝清明让他们撒了一个谎,说他们干掉MG-5是因为希望能够亲手杀死Omega Supreme,借此来证明破坏者对于霸天虎的价值。