Ignores Target's Defense命中率的计算
ITD Chance to Hit %=100%*2*alvl/(alvl+dlvl)
Ignores Target's Defense 忽视目标防御
alvl:Level of the attacker 攻击者的等级
dlvl:Level of the defender 防御者的等级
DR = Defense Rating of the defender(防御者的防御)
Special modifiers take effect when determining the chance to hit. Therefore, they affect the total attack rating and the total defense rating, not any intermediate results.
Modifier Effect
Ignores Target's Defense
Treats the defender's DR as zero in determining chance to hit. ITD works only against normal monsters. (忽视目标防御在决定命中率的时候把防御方的dr看成0,忽视目标防御只对普通怪物起作用)
Target Defense X%
Treats the defender's DR as DR - [X / 100 x DR].
-X to target defense per hit
Each successful hit reduces enemy defense by X.