Helm (110%)
110% Artisan's Tiara of Luck (35%) Socketed with three 24% Perfect Topaz or three 25% Ist Runes.
90% Set Avenger Guard: Immortal King's Will (Barbarian Only) (40% Socketed with Two 24% Perfect Topazes or Two 25% Ist Runes)
80% Set Corona: Griswold's Valor (30%) Socketed with Two 24% Perfect Topazes or Two 25% Ist Runes
74-75% Harlequin Crest (50% + Socketed with One 24% Perfect Topaz or a 25% Ist Rune)
or 74-75% Tarnhelm (Perfect 50% Tarnhelm + Socketed with One 24% Perfect Topaz or 25% Ist Rune)
or 74-75% Stealskull (Perfect 50% Stealskull + Socketed with One 24% Perfect Topaz or 25% Ist Rune)
or 72% 3 Socketed Helm with 3 Perfect Topazes.
Armor (148%)
148% Skullder's Ire (1.25-123% + Socketed with 24% Perfect Topaz or 25% Ist Rune)
or 112-113% Tal Rasha's Guardianship (88% + Socketed with 24% Perfect Topaz or 25% Ist Rune)
or 100% Wealth Rune Word Armor
or 1-99% Enigma Rune Word Armor
or 96% 4 Socketed Armor with 4 Perfect Topazes.
Weapon 1 (180%)
180% 6 Socketed Weapon with 6 Ist Runes (180%, very hard to do based on Rune Availability)
or 159% Unique Sword: Blade of Ali Baba 99% with 2 30% Ist Runes Socketed
or 117-130% Unique Dagger: Gull (100% + Socketed with 5-17% Magic Find Jewel or 30% Ist Rune) or 6 Socketed Weapon with Several Magic Find Jewels (30-102%, somewhat hard to do based on Jewel Availability)
Weapon 2 (180%)(Barbarians Only)
180% 6 Socketed Weapon with 6 Ist Runes (180%, very hard to do based on Rune Availability)
or 159% Unique Sword: Blade of Ali Baba 99% with 2 30% Ist Runes Socketed
or 117-130% Unique Dagger: Gull (100% + Socketed with 5-17% Magic Find Jewel or 30% Ist Rune) or 6 Socketed Weapon with Several Magic Find Jewels (30-102%, somewhat hard to do based on Jewel Availability)
Shield (100%)
4 Socket Shield with 4 Ist Runes (100%, very hard to do)
or 3 Socket Shield with 3 Ist Runes (75%, very hard to do)
or 3 or 4 Socket Shield with 3-4 Jewels of 5-17% Magic Find (15-68%)
or Milabrega's Orb socketed with a Ist Rune (45%)
or Rhyme Rune Word Shield (25%)
Belts (30%)
30% Unique Goldwrap Heavy Belt
or 15% Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Combined with Tal Rasha's Adjudication (Amulet) and Tal Rasha's Guardianship (Armor) you'll receive +65% Magic Find which will be equal or greater than a 48% Amulet and 30% Goldwrap. An alternative is the 100% Wealth Rune Word, 30% Goldwrap and 48% Amulet.
Boots (50%)
50% War Traveler (Unique Battle Boots)
or Magic Boots of Luck (35%)
or 34% Magic Find Rare Boots (can only be found by trading for Pre 1.08 Patch boots)
Gloves (40%)
40% Unique Chain Gloves: Chance Guards
or Rare 34% Magic Find Gloves (can only be found by trading for Pre 1.08 Patch Gloves)
or 25% Magic/Rare Gloves
Amulets (50%)
50% Magic Fortuitous Amulet of Luck
or 48% Rare Amulet (only found by trading for Amulets before 1.08 Patch)
or 35% Rare Amulet
Rings (80%)
(2) 40% Magic Fortuitous Rings of Fortune
or (2) 30% Nagelrings
or (2) 32% Magic Find Rare Rings (Only found Trading for items before 1.08 Patch)
or (2) 25% Magic Find Rare Rings
Charms (299%)
1 perfect Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm (%40) and 7% Small Charms (37 of them at 7% = 259%, you would have to drop Charms to pick up items) which is equal to %299. 27 7% Charms is ideal. This leaves room for a 3x2 item and the Horadric Cube. You can place your keys and Tomes in the Horadric Cube then move them out into the open space to use them. This can be frustrating to do and is only recommended for extreme players.
Magic Find Totals
100% - Magic Find Newbie
200% - Magic Find Newbie
300% - Magic Find Newbie
400% - Magic Find Regular
500% - Magic Find Regular
600% - Magic Find Professional
700-1167+% - Magic Find Master