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MonStats.txt文件引导 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2007-09-08 22:11:20
              // MonStats.txt 文件引导。
//作者 :Nefarius
//ID 设置
//ID – 这一列是指针,为其他txt文件所调用,比如levels.txt 和
// HCIDX–这是怪物的实际内部ID,需要记住的是没有两个怪物使用同样的ID,这将导致很多不可理解的行为和冲突,所以请不要这样做。"HarcCodedInDeX"被用来指定几件事情,比如指定什么时候怪物调用dcc或者dc6图形(象mephisto和Diablo的死亡动画,Maggoc Queen等等)HCIDX列还和怪物的其他hardcoded(硬代码?)效果有关联。比如男巫召唤物的转变和uniqueboss(独一老怪)的名字颜色的改变等等。(感谢kingpin提供这个信息)
// BASEID –这一列指定怪物的“base”(基本怪物类型)指针(比如有五种类型的”fallen”,而他们的base都是fallen1).这个baseID负责一些硬代码行为,比如穿墙(ghosts鬼魂)
// NEXTINCLASS –这一列指定链中的下一个怪物的指针(继续上面的例子,fallen1这这里设置fallen2)如果你想减少怪物子类,就让它为空,同时把baseid 指向它自己(它自己的id)我猜想游戏可能使用它来实现“地图产生”怪物,比如fallen从fallen camps中出来,这个受地区的等级影响(同样的军营,在cold plains容纳正常fallen将在别处容纳carvers 和 devilkin)(个人理解:最后这句理解不了,但字面意思应该是这样)。
Display Settings I
// TRANSLVL –这是指定怪物使用的模板,很多怪物都有一个palshift.dat在它们的COF文件夹,一共有8个模板(其中5个使用在正常状态),这些模板被游戏用来制造各种子类来显示“不同的光效”注意:一些标志比如FC不接受任何模板。
// MONSTAT**屏蔽词语** –这一列指定一个MonStats2.txt.的指针入口。在1.10 Blizzard公司移动所有的图片效果到一个新的文件来节省空间。
Other links to external files/code
// MONPROP – 这一列指定一个MonProp.txt的指针入口。MonProp.txt控制怪物的特殊属性,比如你可以使用它让怪物随机免疫和其他的一些属性。给他们设定被打击时的技能和几乎其他所有的事情。(请参考MCML)
// MONTYPE – 这一列指定怪物所属的“super group”(超级群 )ID ,比如全部的skeletons属于“supergroup”超级群skeletons。1.10的MonType.txt工作方式和ItemTypes.txt类似。此外这个文件在一些特殊的修改中使用(对怪物种类额外的伤害)
// AI –这列告诉游戏怪物的AI(智能),注意的是每一个AI都需要一系列的动画方式(GH, A1, A2, S1, WL, RN 等等)如果你 想让一个近战怪物发生投射物,你必须为它的攻击动画编辑COF文件,使用trigger ID #2不要使用trigger ID #1,否则这个投射物将不会被释放或者不能产生任何伤害,同样的修改包括ANIMDATA.D2文件。
//显示设置 II
// DESCSTR –这列为怪物描述指定string-key(不描述就让它空着),怪物名称下面显示的字段。
// CODE –这是MonStats.txt,唯一的图形设置(除 TRANSLVL外)控制游戏为怪物使用的标志(比如在哪个文件夹寻找动画)
Misc Boolean Settings I
// ENABLED –布尔型,1=启用,0=不启用。控制什么时候怪物可以被使用,这不是唯一的设置来控制这个,还有其他的可以控制。(请参考下面的RARITY 和 ISSPAWN列)
// RANGEDTYPE –布尔型,1=范围攻击,0=近战攻击。这个告诉游戏这是个范围攻击者。我认为这个还得和levels.txt.中的RANGEDSPAWN相配合。(括号内未翻译)
// PLACESPAWN –布尔型,1=大量产生,0=不大量产生。这个告诉游戏什么时候怪物是一个“巢”比如,在这里设置1怪物将大量产生新的怪物。注意,你可以设置任何怪物产生新的怪物,不管它的AI,你所要做的只需调整这四列,确认其中一个的技能是. “Nest” 或者 “Minion Spawner” 。
// SPAWN –这列是所产生的怪物的ID指针,所以如果你想创造一个新怪物可以产生Balrogs,那么在这里填入Balrogs的ID
//SPAWNX, SPAWNY – 被产生怪所在地点的x/y坐标。
//产生怪物的方式。比如,你想产生一个golem summoner(傀儡召唤者??我觉得是傀儡),你在这里设置“s1”,这看起来让傀儡准备被召唤,(否则它们只是显示出来)
// MINION1, MINION2 – 这一列指定在怪物身边被产生的爪牙的ID指针。让我们设想,你想让你超级强壮的老怪产生5个Oblivion Knights。你要在MINION1中填入Oblivion Knights的id.同时设置PARTYMIN=PARTYMAX=5。当怪物产生金怪和老怪时就从MINION1/2中读取怪物类型来代替自己的类型。这就是为什么Lord De Seis(西斯之王)不能产生其他oblivion knights的原因。为了避免自循环,我建议你单一的在MINION2设置怪物ID(比如你在Oblivion Knights的MINION2设置自己的 ID,那么Lord De Seis将重复产生Doom Knights 和 Oblivion Knights)这还可以控制但怪物死掉时产生的新怪类型。比如Flayer Shamans将产生一个regular Flayer当它被杀死。要想做到这点,你必须设置SPLENDDEATH=1
// SETBOSS –布尔型,1=设置怪物为被 boss(老怪),0=不设置怪物为老怪。原始的引导认为这是控制怪物产生爪牙的类型。我认为这列和AI有关(比如有些怪物可以指挥它的爪牙,可能这就是用来指定这个的)
// BOSSXFER – 布尔,1=是,0=否。不知道用途,可能影响怪物的性质(电加强)和AI
// PARTYMIN, PARTYMAX –怪物产生爪牙的数量。建议不要超过15
//MINGRP, MAXGRP –很想前面的两列,只是控制产生怪物的数量,超过99将导致游戏崩溃。
// SPARSEPOPULATE –这一列是我们平衡怪异现象的有效工具。这个象在人口控制中“second layer ofsecurity”(第二道防线)。如果你想加强一个怪物和减少这个地区中其他怪物的密集度。你可以在levels.txt减少MONDEN的数值,也可以减少MINGRP 和MAXGRP。但这样做并不一定能产生你要的结果。低MONDEN将导致怪物数量不管种类的减少。(这可能导致你想加强的怪物也减少),那该怎么办?这列控制的范围为0-100%。让它空着游戏认为100%,不推荐使用低于50的数字,注意这并不是说过低的数值将不工作或把事情做坏。这种情况当游戏产生怪物时,而这怪物又同时指定了minion1/minion2,那将产生minion1/minion2的怪物而没有主怪物。
// VELOCITY, RUN –控制怪物的奔跑速度,之一”run”只在怪物的模式为“RN”中使用,我建议数值低于25
//人口和动画设置 II
// RARITY –这里也是设置怪物的数目,举例:如果levels.txt有两种怪物可以产生,怪物a的rarity=10(稀有度),怪物b的rarity=1,这个场景限制1种怪物。首先游戏把几率加起来为10+1=11,这样怪物a=10/11(91%机会),怪物b=1/11(9%机会)。这样怪物a就比怪物b来的普通。如果你在这列设置为0,那么怪物就不会被Levels.txt所选择(基于某种原因,我敢说,一个场景如果只有一种可以产生,将导致游戏出错。因为这导致除数为0,除非Blizzard公司对其进行了检查)Level Settings
  //LEVEL, LEVEL(N), LEVEL(H) –控制不同难度怪物的级别
Sound Settings
MONSOUND – Specifies the ID pointer to this monsters “Sound Bank” in MonSound.txt  when this monster is normal.
  // MONSOUND –指定怪物的声音对应MonSound.txt
UMONSOUND – Specifies the ID pointer to this monsters “Sound Bank” in MonSounds.txt  when this monster is unique or champion. For Superunique monsters this is controlled  by SuperUniques.txt.
  // UMONSOUND –指定唯一怪物和冠军怪物的声音对应于MonSounds.txt。但对超级老怪者在SuperUniques.txt中控制
AI Settings
THREAT – Used by the games Threat Rating System to tell AIs which unit to target  first. The higher this is the higher the Threat level. So I guess setting this  to 25 or so on Maggot Eggs would make your Merc try to destroy those first. 
  // THREAT –游戏使用Threat Rating System(威胁几率系统)告诉AIs哪个怪物优先攻击。数值越高威胁度越大。
AIDEL, AIDEL(N), AIDEL(H) – The controls delays between AI ticks, however how  exactly this is used is still shrouded in mystery. Its likely that each AI may  use this in a sightley different fashion. In general however, the higher the  number the slower something should become (after all the delay increases that  way), what part of the AI this delay applies to however is uncertain due to  the quantity of different observations.
  // AIDEL, AIDEL(N), AIDEL(H) –控制AI的延迟,这个如何使用对我仍然很神秘。
AIDIST, AIDIST(N), AIDIST(H) – The distance in cells required for this AI to  be enabled. This is only used for mephisto on nightmare and hell, I assume the  game otherwise uses some hardcoded default value. For the units “Radius of Awareness”. 
  // AIDIST, AIDIST(N), AIDIST(H) –这个只在恶梦和地狱难度的mephisto中使用,我猜想游戏用来指定hardcoded  的缺省值,AI攻击的范围
AIP1-8, AIP1-8(N), AIP1-8(H) – These cells pass on parameters (usually in percentage)  to the AI code. For descriptions about what all these AIs do check MonAI.txt.  Note that some AIs are very badly or not at all, explained there (“Thanks” Blizzard!).  Many people have trouble with the AI of the Imps, this AI is special and uses  multiple rows, to understand what the cells do look at the original monstats.txt  file (from D2EXP.MPQ).
  // AIP1-8, AIP1-8(N), AIP1-8(H) –这几列设定AI的参数。想了解AIs请参照MonAI.txt
Projectile Settings
MISSA1, MISSA2, MISSS1, MISSS3, MISSS4, MISSC, MISSSQ – These columns control  “non-skill-related” missiles used by the monster. For example if you enter a  missile ID pointer (from Missiles.txt) in MissA1 then, whenever the monster  uses its Attack1 Mode it will shoot a missile, this however will not work properly  if 1. The COF files of A1 use the #1 trigger (to get it to work change the trigger  in the COF files and in ANIMDATA.D2 to #2). And 2. If the AI of the monster  doesn’t support missiles it will usually look very weird (but this can sometimes  create nice effects). For the beginners, A1=Attack1, A2=Attack2, S1=Skill1,  S2=Skill2, S3=Skill3, S4=Skill4, C=Cast, SQ=Sequence.
  // MISSA1, MISSA2, MISSS1, MISSS3, MISSS4, MISSC, MISSSQ –这几列指定怪物所使用的“没有技能相关的”投射物。举例,如果你在MissA1填入一个missile  ID pointer(参照Missiles.txt),当怪物使用它来攻击时将产生一个投射物。在下面一些情况将不能正常使用。1、cof文件使用#1 trigger  2、怪物的AI不支持投射物。对初学者A1=Attack1(攻击1), A2=Attack2(攻击2), S1=Skill1( 技能1), S2=Skill2(技能2),  S3=Skill3(技能3), S4=Skill4(技能4), C=Cast(施法), SQ=Sequence(连续性).
Misc Boolean Settings II (especially NPC related!)
ALIGN – Switch, 1=aligned, 0=enemy, 2=neutral. This setting controls whenever  the monster fights on your side or fights against you (or if it just walks around,  IE a critter). If you want to turn some obsolete NPCs into enemies like I usually  do this is one of the settings you will need to modify. Setting it to 2 without  adjusting other settings (related to AI and also some in MonStats2) it will  simply attack everything.
// ALIGN – Switch(开关), 1=aligned(可结盟), 0=enemy(敌人),2=neutral(中立).这个控制怪物是为你战斗还是和你战斗。如果你想让一些npc成为你的敌人就把它设置为0,设置为2时不调整其他设置(和AI、MonStats2相关)将简单的攻击任何东西。
ISSPAWN – Boolean, 1=spawnable, 0=not spawnable. This controls whenever this  unit can be spawned via Levels.txt.
  // ISSPAWN – Boolean, 1=spawnable(可以大量产生), 0=not spawnable(不能大量产生)
ISMELEE – Boolean, 1=melee attacker, 0=not a melee attacker. This controls  whenever this unit can spawn with boss modifiers such as Multiple Shot or not.  IE Melee monsters will never spawn with MS.
  // ISMELEE – Boolean,1=近战攻击,0=不是近战攻击。
NPC – Boolean, 1=I’m a NPC, 0=I’m not. This controls whenever the unit is a  NPC or not. See below.
  // NPC –1=npc,0=不是npc。控制怪物是否为npc。看下面
INTERACT – Boolean, 1=Special NPC features enabled, 0=No special NPC features.  This controls whenever you can interact with this unit. IE. This controls whenever  it opens a speech-box or menu when you click on the unit. To turn units like  Kaeleen or Flavie into enemies you will need to set this to 0 (you will also  need to set NPC to 0 for that).
  // INTERACT – Boolean,1=特殊的npc属性,0=没有特殊的npc属性。这个在你和npc相互交流时使用,比如当你点npc时它会显示一个对话框。
INVENTORY – Boolean, 1=Has an inventory, 0=Has no inventory. Controls whenever  this NPC or UNIT can carry items with it. For NPCs this means that you can access  their Inventory and buy items (if you disable this and then try to access this  feature it will cause a crash so don’t do it unless you know what you’re doing).  For Monsters this means that they can access their equipment data in MonEquip.txt. 
  // INVENTORY –1=有包裹空间,0=没有控制npc或怪物是否有空间放置物品。
INTOWN – Boolean, 1=I can enter towns, 0=I can’t enter towns. This controls  whenever enemies can follow you into a town or not. This should be set to 1  for everything that spawns in a town.
  // INTOWN – Boolean,1=可以进入城镇,0=不可以进入。控制哪些怪物可以跟你进入城镇。
Type Settings
LUNDEAD – Boolean, 1=True, 0=False. Blizzard used this to differentiate High  and Low Undead (IE. Low undead like Zombies, Skeletons etc are set to 1 here),  both this and HUNDEAD will make the unit be considered undead so I don’t see  how these two actually differ. This may have to with the Unravelers resurrecting  behaviour (IE they only ressurect low undead), thanks to Brother Laz for this  input.
  // LUNDEAD – Boolean,1=是,0=不是。低级不死怪物。使用这个来区分高级和低级不死怪物。(比如Zombies, Skeletons在这里设置1)HUNDEAD和它相对应,但我看不出它们之间的实际区别。
HUNDEAD – Boolean, 1=True, 0=False. This is usually set for large magical undead  monsters Lichs, Unravelers etc. See comments under the previous column.
  // HUNDEAD – Boolean,1=是,0=不是。高级不死怪物
DEMON – Boolean, 1=True, 0=False. This makes the game consider this unit a  demon.
  // DEMON –恶魔,1=是,0=不是
Misc Boolean Settings III
  //其他设置 III
FLYING – Boolean, 1=I can fly, 0=I can’t fly. If you set this to 1 the monster  will be able to move fly over obstacles such as puddles and rivers.
  //FLYING –怪物是否可以飞行,1=是,0=不是。
OPENDOORS – Boolean, 1=I can open doors, 0=I’m to stupid to open doors. Ever  wanted to make the game more like D1 (where closing doors could actually protect  you), then this column is all you need. By setting this to 0, the monster in  question will not be able to open doors any more.
  // OPENDOORS –是否会自动开门,1=是,0=不是
BOSS – Boolean, 1=I’m a boss, 0=I’m not a boss. This controls whenever this  unit is a special boss, monsters set as boss IGNORE the level settings, IE.  they will always spawn w the levels specified in MonStats.txt. Setting this  to 1 for monsters does not cause a crash in 1.10. The only effects it has are  that the monster will always use the mlvl specified in MonStats.txt (and it  will probably gain the special boss resistances, IE it will not be effected  by things like Deadly Strike the way normal monsters are. Though I didn't have  time to do test on this yet)
  // BOSS – Boolean,是否为老怪,1=是,0=不是
PRIMEEVIL – Boolean, 1=I’m a prime evil, 0=I’m not a prime evil. (=Act Boss).  Changing this could lead to unpredictable results, however I assume this controls  the Act Boss Specific resistances to special damage modifiers (like Deadly Strike  etc).
  // PRIMEEVIL – Boolean是否为最邪恶(关底老怪),0=不是。
KILLABLE – Boolean, 1=Mortal, 0=Immortal. Setting this to 0 will make the monster  unkillable. There is no reason to set this to 1 for enemies, it will just result  in your userbase decreasing.
  // KILLABLE – Boolean是否可以被杀死,1=可以,0=不可以。
SWITCHAI – Boolean, 1=Can chance sides, 0=Cannot change sides. Can this units  mind be altered by “mind altering skills” like Conversion, Revive etc.
  // SWITCHAI –是否可以改变立场,1=可以,0=不可以。怪物是否会被精神控制技能影响。比如转换,复生。
NOAURA – Boolean, 1=Can’t get an aura, 0=Can get an aura. Monsters set to 0  here will not be effected by friendly auras.
  // NOAURA – Boolean是否可以使用光环。1=不能使用,0=使用。怪物设置为0将不受友好光环的影响。
NOMULTISHOT – Boolean, 1=Can’t get multishot modifier, 0=Can get multishot  modifier. This is another layer of security to prevent this modifier from spawning,  besides the ISMELEE layer.
  // NOMULTISHOT –是否可以使用多重射击,1=不能,0=可以。
NEVERCOUNT – Boolean, 1=Never accounted for, 0=Accounted for. Unknown but I  assume this may have to do with population dynamics and level building. Some  also believe this may be related to multi-missile attacks.
  //NEVERCOUNT –不知道什么用。
PETIGNORE – Doesn't work in 1.10 anymore (thanks Snowknight), previously it  was a Boolean, 1=Summons ignore this unit, 0=Summons notice this unit. If you  set this to 1 this monster will not be targeted by summons (and mercs?) irregardless  of its THREAT level.
  // PETIGNORE –在1。10不能工作,1=召唤物忽视这个怪物,0=召唤物注意这个怪物。
DEATHDMG – Boolean, 1=Damage players colliding with my death animation, 0=Don’t  damage anything. This works similar to corpse explosion (its based on hitpoints)  and damages the surrounding players when the unit dies. (Ever wanted to prevent  those undead stygian dolls from doing damage when they die, this is all there  is to it)
  //DEATHDMG –在死亡时伤害玩家,0=不伤害任何东西。
GENERICSPAWN – Boolean, 1=Use generic spawning, 0=Don’t use generic spawning.  Unknown but probably has to do with population dynamics and level building like  NEVERCOUNT.
  // GENERICSPAWN –1=使用通常设置来的产生怪物,0=不使用。不知道什么用?
ZOO – Boolean, 1=true, 0=false. Unknown it could be related to AI when this  unit spawns as part of a boss pack, but this is just a wild guess rather then  knowledge.
  // ZOO –1=是,0=不是。不知道什么用?
Skill Settings
SENDSKILLS – Switch, 1=Unknown, 2=Used for assassin traps, 0=Don’t send skills.  This is only used by two of the Assassin traps, but what exactly it is used  for is unknown.
  //SENDSKILLS – 开关,1=不知道,2=使用刺客的陷阱,0=不发送技能。这只在两个刺客技能中使用,但实际上如何使用还不知道。
SKILL1-8 – The ID Pointer to the skill the monster will cast when this specific  slot is accessed by the AI. (from Skills.txt). Which slots are used is determined  by the units AI.
  // SKILL1-8 –怪物技能的指针,从(skills.Txt)
SK1MODE-SK8MODE – The graphical MODE (or SEQUENCE) this unit uses when it uses  this skill.
  //SK1MODE-SK8MODE –当怪物使用它们的技能时的图形模式。
SK1LVL-SK8LVL – The skill level of the skill in question. This gets a bonus  on nightmare and hell which you can modify in DifficultyLevels.txt.
  // SK1LVL-SK8LVL –技能的等级。
Resistance Settings
DRAIN, DRAIN(N), DRAIN(H) – Controls the effectiveness of Life and Mana steal  equipment on this unit on the respective difficulties. 0=Can’t leech at all.  (negative values don't damage you, thanks to Doombreed-x for testing this),  setting it to more then 100 would probably make LL and ML more effective. Remember  that besides this, Life and Mana Steal is further limited by DifficultyLevels.txt. 
  // DRAIN, DRAIN(N), DRAIN(H) –控制不同难度下吸血和魔法装备对怪物使用的效果。0=不能吸血和吸魔。数值超过100会增强效果。
COLDEFFECT, COLDEFFECT(N), COLDEFFECT(H) – Controls the effectiveness of cold  damage on this unit. The lower this value is, the more speed this unit looses  when its frozen. –100 will probably make it stop completely. Positive values  will make the unit faster (thanks to Brother Laz for confirming my assumption),  and 0 will make it unfreezeable. The cold length is NOT effected by this, for  cold length and freeze length settings refer to DifficultyLevels.txt.
HINT: If you want to give units random resistances and immunities you can use  MonProp.txt.
RESDM, RESDM(N), RESDM(H) – Damage resistance on the respective difficulties.  Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values  at or above 100 will result in immunity.
  //RESDM, RESDM(N), RESDM(H) –不同难度的伤害抵抗。负数以为这怪物承受更大的伤害,超过100结果是免疫。
RESMA, RESMA(N), RESMA(H) – Magic resistance on the respective difficulties.  Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values  at or above 100 will result in immunity.
  // RESMA, RESMA(N), RESMA(H) –不同难度的魔法抵抗。和上面类似。
RESFI, RESFI(N), RESFI(H) – Fire resistance on the respective difficulties.  Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values  at or above 100 will result in immunity.
  // RESFI, RESFI(N), RESFI(H) –不同难度的火抵抗
RESLI, RESLI(N), RESLI(H) – Lightning resistance on the respective difficulties.  Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values  at or above 100 will result in immunity.
  // RESLI, RESLI(N), RESLI(H) – –不同难度的电抵抗
RESCO, RESCO(N), RESCO(H) – Cold resistance on the respective difficulties.  Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values  at or above 100 will result in immunity.
  // RESCO, RESCO(N), RESCO(H) –不同难度的冰抵抗
RESPO, RESPO(N), RESPO(H) – Poison resistance on the respective difficulties.  Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values  at or above 100 will result in immunity.
  // RESPO, RESPO(N), RESPO(H) –不同难度的毒抵抗。
Misc Settings
DAMAGEREGEN – This controls how much health this unit regenerates. Sometimes  this is altered by the units AI. The formula in 1.09 was (REGEN * HP) / 4096.  So a monster with 200 hp and a regen rate of 10 would regenerate ~0,5 HP every  frame.
  // DAMAGEREGEN –这个控制怪物回复生命量。
SKILLDAMAGE – ID Pointer to the skill that controls this units damage. This  is used for the druids summons. (I.E. their damage is specified solely by Skills.txt  and not by MonStats.txt)
  //SKILLDAMAGE –控制怪物的技能伤害,这用在德鲁伊的召唤物上。(他们的伤害受Skills.txt 而不是MonStats.txt控制。
Stat Settings
  NORATIO – Boolean, 1=Don’t use MonLevel.txt, 0=Use MonLevel.txt. Does this unit  use MonLevel.txt or does it use the stats listed in MonStats.txt as is. Setting  this to 0 will result in an array of problems, such as the appended elemental  damage being completely ignored, irregardless of the values in it.
  // NORATIO – Boolean,1=不使用MonLevel.txt,0=使用MonLevel.txt。控制怪物是否使用MonLevel.txt来设置状态。
NOSHLDBLOCK – Boolean, 1=Can block without a blocking animation, 0=Can’t block  without a blocking animation. Quite self explanatory, in order for a unit to  block it needs the BL mode, if this is set to 1 then it will block irregardless  of what modes it has.
  // NOSHLDBLOCK – Boolean,1=可以不使用格挡动画来实行格挡,0=没有格挡动画就不能格挡
TOBLOCK, TOBLOCK(N), TOBLOCK(H) – This units chance to block. See the above  column for details when this applies or not. Monsters are capped at 75% block  as players are AFAIK.
  CRIT – This units chance of scoring a critical hit.
  // CRIT –怪物致命打击的几率
  Hint: The values below are percentages (if NORATIO is set to 0). The game first  checks the monsters level and then uses these percentages to calculate the actual  stats from the “general stats” listed in MonLevel.txt. This is done by regular  percentage calculation, IE: S/100*P (S=Stat, P=Percentage). As an example, if  your monster is level 50, and has 200 listed in MINHP in MonStats.txt and the  “general stat” for HP at mlvl 50 is 100 then the following calculation is done:  100/100*200 which results in 200 HP. In the same way, if S=300 and P=200 the  result will be 600. If you want the game to use the values directly from monstats.txt  and don’t want to set NORATIO to 0 (to avoid the bugs related to doing that),  simply change all entries in MonLevel.txt to 100).
MINHP, MAXHP, MINHP(N), MAXHP(N), MINHP(H), MAXHP(H) – This units minimum and  maximum HP on the respective difficulties.
  // MINHP, MAXHP, MINHP(N), MAXHP(N), MINHP(H), MAXHP(H) –不同难度下怪物生命的最小最大值
AC, AC(N), AC(H) – This units Armor Class on the respective difficulties.
  // AC, AC(N), AC(H) –不同 难度下怪物的防御力
EXP, EXP(N), EXP(H) – The experience you get when killing this unit on the  respective difficulty.
  // EXP, EXP(N), EXP(H) –不同难度下杀死怪物的经验。
A1MIND, A1MAXD, A1MIND(N), A1MAXD(N), A1MIND(H), A1MAXD(H) – This units minimum  and maximum damage when it uses Attack 1.
  // A1MIND, A1MAXD, A1MIND(N), A1MAXD(N), A1MIND(H), A1MAXD(H) –怪物使用攻击1时产生伤害的最小最大值。
A2MIND, A2MAXD, A2MIND(N), A2MAXD(N), A2MIND(H), A2MAXD(H) – This units minimum  and maximum damage when it uses Attack 2.
  // A2MIND, A2MAXD, A2MIND(N), A2MAXD(N), A2MIND(H), A2MAXD(H) –怪物使用攻击1时产生伤害的最小最大值。
S1MIND, S1MAXD, S1MIND(N), S1MAXD(N), S1MIND(H), S1MAXD(H) – This units minimum  and maximum damage when it uses Special Attack 1 (or Skill 1), usually used  for missiles like Arrows etc.
  //S1MIND, S1MAXD, S1MIND(N), S1MAXD(N), S1MIND(H), S1MAXD(H) –怪物使用特殊攻击1时产生伤害的最小最大值
A1TH, A1TH(N), A1TH(H) – This units attack rating for Attack 1 on the respective  difficulties.
  // A1TH, A1TH(N), A1TH(H) –不同难度下怪物使用攻击1的几率
A2TH, A2TH(N), A2TH(H) – This units attack rating for Attack 2 on the respective  difficulties.
  // A2TH, A2TH(N), A2TH(H) –不同难度下怪物使用攻击2的几率
S1TH, S1TH(N), S1TH(H) – This units attack rating for Special Attack 1 (or  Skill 1) on the respective difficulties. Usually used for missiles like Arrows  etc.
  // S1TH, S1TH(N), S1TH(H) –不同难度下怪物使用特殊攻击1的几率

  Xtra Elemental Damage Settings
HINT: These columns are not used correctly if you set NORATIO to 1. (thanks  to Sduibek for finding this stupid little typo that snuck in here)
EL1MODE-EL3MODE – The mode to which the elemental damage is appended. The modes  to which you would usually attack elemental damage are A1, A2, S1, S2, S3, S4,  SQ or C as these are the only ones that naturally contain trigger bytes.
  // EL1MODE-EL3MODE –元素伤害的方式。你通常使用的元素伤害有A1, A2, S1, S2, S3, S4, SQ 或者 C
EL1TYPE-EL3TYPE – The type of the elemental damage appended to an attack. There  are several elements: fire=Fire Damage, ltng=Lightning Damage, cold=Cold Damage  (uses duration), pois = Poison Damage (uses duration), mag=Magic Damage, life=Life  Drain (the monster heals the specified amount when it hits you), mana=Mana Drain  (the monster steals the specified amount of mana when it hits you), stam=Stamina  Drain (the monster steals the specified amount of stamina when it hits you),  stun=Stun Damage (uses duration, damage is not used, this only effects pets  and mercs, players will not get immobilized but they will get thrown into hit  recovery whenever they get hit by an attack, no matter what type of attack it  is, thanks to Brother Laz clearing this one up), rand=Random Damage (uses duration,  either does Poison, Cold, Fire or Lightning damage, randomly picked for every  attack), burn=Burning Damage (uses duration, this damage type cannot be resisted  and shouldn’t be used), frze=Freezing Damage (uses duration, this will effect  players like normal cold damage but will freeze and shatter pets). If you want  to give your monster knockback use MonProp.txt.
  // EL1TYPE-EL3TYPE –攻击时元素伤害的种类。以下时一些:fire=火伤害, ltng=电伤害, cold=冰伤害(持续时间), pois  = 毒伤害(持续时间), mag=魔法伤害, life=生命回复, mana=魔力回复, stam=精力回复, stun=击晕, rand=随机伤害,  burn=燃烧伤害, frze冰冻伤害,如果你想让怪物有击退功能,请使用MonProp.txt
EL1PCT-EL3PCT, EL1PCT(N)-EL3PCT(N), EL1PCT(H)-EL3PCT(H) – Chance to append  elemental damage to an attack on the respective difficulties. 0=Never append,  100=Always append.
  // EL1PCT-EL3PCT, EL1PCT(N)-EL3PCT(N), EL1PCT(H)-EL3PCT(H)不同难度下在攻击时扩展元素伤害的几率。0=不扩展,100=永远扩展
EL1MIND-EL3MIND, EL1MAXD-EL3MAXD, EL1MIND-EL3MIND(N), EL1MAXD-EL3MAXD(N), EL1MIND-EL3MIND(H),  EL1MAXD-EL3MAXD(H) – Minimum and Maximum elemental damage to append to the attack  on the respective difficulties. (See the hints under the Stat Settings section,  this uses the same calculations). Note that you should only append elemental  damage to those missiles that don’t have any set in Missiles.txt.
EL1DUR-EL3DUR, EL1DUR(N)-EL3DUR(N), EL1DUR(H)-EL3DUR(H) – Duration of the elemental  effect (for freeze, burn, cold, poison and stun) on the respective difficulties. 
Treasureclass Settings
  HINT: Because of the new Treasureclass system introduced in 1.10 these entries  are only of minor influence regarding what TC is being selected unless you change  the system by editing TreasureClas**屏蔽词语**.txt.
TREASURECLASS1, TREASURECLASS1(N), TREASURECLASS1(H) – The Treasureclass used  by this unit as a normal monster on the respective difficulties.
TREASURECLASS2, TREASURECLASS2(N), TREASURECLASS2(H) – The Treasureclass used  by this unit as a champion on the respective difficulties.
TREASURECLASS3, TREASURECLASS3(N), TREASURECLASS3(H) – The Treasureclass used  by this unit as a unique or superunique on the respective difficulties.
TREASURECLASS4, TREASURECLASS4(N), TREASURECLASS4(H) – The Quest Treasureclass  used by this monster. (For example, the act bosses always have better odds of  dropping rare, set and unique items the first time you kill them).
TCQUESTID – The ID of the Quest that triggers the Quest Treasureclass drop. 
  // TCQUESTID –任务怪物掉宝率的引发ID
TCQUESTCP – The ID of the Quest State that you need to complete to trigger  the Quest Treasureclass trop.
  // TCQUESTCP –任务怪物掉宝率的引发ID的状态。
Special Settings
SPLENDDEATH – Switch, 0=no special death, 1=spawn the monster in the MINION1  column when I die, 2=kill whatever monster is mounted to me when I die (used  by guard towers that kill the imps that are on top of them when they die I guess). 
  // SPLENDDEATH – 开关,0=不指定死亡,1=当死亡时产生MINION1的怪物,2=????
SPLGETMODECHART – Boolean, 1=Get Special Mode Chart, 0=Don’t get special mode  chart. Unknown but could be telling the game to look at some internal table.  This is used for some Act Bosses and monsters like Putrid Defilers.
  //SPLGETMODECHART –1=使用特殊模式图标,0=不使用,不知道什么用。可能内部有个表格。
SPLENDGENERIC – Boolean, 1=true, 0=false. Works in conjunction with SPLCLIENTEND,  this makes the unit untargetable when it is first spawned (used for those monsters  that are under water, under ground or fly above you)
  //SPLENDGENERIC – Boolean,1=是,0=不是,和SPLCLIENTEND一起使用,
SPLCLIENTEND– Boolean, 1=true, 0=false. Works in conjunction with SPLENDGENERIC,  this makes the unit invisible when it is first spawned (used for those monsters  that are under water, under ground or fly above you), this is also used for  units that have other special drawing setups.
  // SPLCLIENTEND – Boolean,1=是,0=不是,和SPLENDGENERIC一起使用,
  EOL – End of Line, used to avoid the trailing bit error M$ Excel usually causes  when adjusting the end of the rows. This column must contain 0 unless you want  to crash when the game loads.
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