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¸èÇú£ºlonely [¸´ÖÆÁ´½Ó]

941 Сʱ
Ö»¿´Â¥Ö÷ µ¹ÐòÔĶÁ ʹÓõÀ¾ß Â¥Ö÷  ·¢±íÓÚ: 2008-06-11 09:41:30
¹Ø¼ü´Ê£º ллÅóÓÑuretheve
¸èÊÖ£ºnana mouskouri ר¼­£ºÅªÄãµÄÊ¿¸ß

i am lonely lonely lonely
i am lonely lonely in my life
i am lonely lonely lonely
god help me help me to survive!

remember first time we met day one            ¼ÇµÃÎÒÃǵÚÒ»´Î¼ûÃæÄÇÌì
kids in the garden' playin' games heaven' fun    һȺСº¢ÔÚ»¨Ô°ÀïÍæÓÎÏ·
excitin' and amazin' havin' a real friend of mine  ¿ìÀÖÐ˷ܳԾª ÓÐÁËÒ»¸ö×Ô¼ºÕæÕýµÄÅóÓÑ
feel my heartbeat and for real friend of mine    ¸Ð¾õµ½ÎÒµÄÐÄÌø ΪÁËÎÒÕæÕýµÄÅóÓÑ
face to face and eye to eye                    Ãæ¶ÔÃæ Ë«Ä¿Ïà¶Ô
usin' our hands to buy and supply              ÓÃÎÒÃǵÄÊÖÈ¥¹ºÎïºÍ¹¤×÷
chillin' is cool from january to june            ´ÓÒ»Ôµ½ÁùÔÂÊǺ®ÀäµÄ
and we still stiked together like the glue        ¶øÎÒÃÇÈÔÈ»È罺ËÆÆá
and know the rules                          ¶øÎÒÃÇÃ÷°×Õâ¹æÔò
forever you and i and believe it was clear        ÓÀÔ¶ÄãºÍÎÒ ²¢ÇÒÏàÐÅÕâÊÇÇå³þµÄ
if i ever should fall i could count on you with no fear    Èç¹ûÎÒ¿ÉÄܵøÂäÎÒ½«ÎÞËùη¾åµØÒÀ¿¿Äã
runnin' out of time i see who's fake              ʱ¼äÔÚÁ÷ÊÅ£¬ÎÒÖªµÀË­ÊÇÐé¼ÙµÄ
alone without protection from all them snakes    ÔÚËùÓÐËûÃǵÄÇúÕÛÖÐÒÀȻûÓб£»¤µØ¹Â¶À×Å
all for one one for all i was told                ÎÒ±»¸æËßËùÓÐÈËÈËΪÎÒÎÒΪÈËÈË
black white yellow no matter if your young or old  ºÚÉ«°×É«»ÆÉ«²»ÂÛÄãÄêÇá»òÀÏÂõ
nana's in the house to let you know              nanaÕýÔÚ·¿×ÓÀïÈÃÄãÖªµÀ
what i see is how i feel and damn              ÎÒËùÃ÷°×µÄÊÇÎÒÈçºÎ¸Ð¾õºÍÇ´Ôð
i am lonely lonely lonely                      i am lonely lonely lonely
i am lonely lonely in my life
i am lonely lonely lonely
god help me help me to survive!
everybody's trippin' on me                    ÿ¸öÈ˶¼¶ÔÎÒʹ°í
oh lord come help me please                  Ö÷°¡Çë°ïÖúÎÒ°É
i did some bad things in my life                ÔÚÎÒµÄÉúÃüÀïÎÒ×ö¹ýЩ»µÊÂÇé
why can't you rescue me 'cause you've got all i need ΪʲôÄã²»¾ÈÎÒ ÒòΪÄãÒѾ­Ã÷°×ÁËÎÒËùÐèÒªµÄ
i know i got to pay the price                    ÎÒÃ÷°×ÎÒ±ØÐ븶³ö´ú¼Û
that's why i am lonely lonely lonely              ÄǾÍÊÇÎҹ¶À¹Â¶À¹Â¶ÀµÄÔ­Òò

i am so lonely lonely

that's why i am lonely lonely lonely

cheepin' thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight æÂҺͲ«¶·Ö®ºóÔÚÒ¹ÍíµÄ½ÖµÀÀﺿ½Ð
tears in my eyes i'm a man lookin' for the light      ÑÛº¬×ÅÀáÎÒÊÇÒ»¸öÑ°ÕÒÁÁ¹âµÄÄÐÈË
dark is the path i know he will rescue me          ·ÉÏÊǺڰµÎÒÖªµÀËû½«¾ÈÖúÎÒ
the lord is my shephard i'm cool despite emergency  Ö÷ÊÇÎÒµÄshephard ÎÒÊDZùÀäµÄ²»¹Ü¶àÉÙÄÜÁ¿
whom shall i fear exept the god                  ³ýÁËÉϵÛÎÒ½«ÅÂË­
thank you for the blessin' and the skils on the mic    ллÄãµÄ±£ÓÓ
five years we know there's no diggity            ÎåÄêÁËÎÒÃÇÖªµÀûÓÐÍÚ¿àµÄÈË
free at last see the light in me                    ×îÖÕÎÒ¿´µ½ÁË×ÔÓɵĹââ
what goes up must come down                  ÉýÌڵıØÐë³ÁÂä
i'll be around while you heading towards deathtown  µ±Äã×ßÏò»ÙÃðµÄʱºòÒ»¶¨ÓÐÎÒÔÚ
always look forward hardly never look back        Ò»Ö±ÏòÇ°¿´¼¸ºõ²»´Ó²»»ØÍû
so many tears and the snakes on my jock          Èç´Ë¶àµÄÀáË®ºÍÇúÕÛÔÚÎÒµÄJOCK
now i'm riding in my big fat ride                  ÏÖÔÚÎÒÆï×Å·Ê´óµÄ×ùÆï
your ass is late so look for the line                ÄãµÄƨ¹ÉÊÇÐÂÏʵÄËùÒÔÑ°ÕÒÏß·
nana in the house to let you know                nanaÔÚ·¿×ÓÀïÈÃÄãÖªµÀ
what i see is how i feel so leave me alone          ÎÒÃ÷°×µÄÊÇÎÒÈçºÎ¸ÐÊÜËùÒÔÈÃÎÒÒ»¸öÈ˹¶À
i am lonely lonely lonely                        i am lonely lonely lonely 
i am lonely lonely in my life
i am lonely lonely lonely
god help me help me to survive!
everybody is trippin' on me
oh lord come help me please
i did some bad things in my life

why can't you rescue me
cause you've got all i need
i know i got to pay the price
knock on my door whom you lookin' for            ÇÃÎÒµÄÃÅ ÄãÔÚÕÒË­
a dream or reality enemies at my door              ÎÒÃÅ¿ÚÓÐÃÎÀï»òÏÖʵµÄµÐÈË
eyes i realize it's fantasize i must be high            ÎÒÒâʶµ½ÑÛ¾¦³öÏÖÁ˻þõÎÒÒ»¶¨ÊÇÐË·ÜÁË
so let me live before i die                        ËùÒÔÈÃÎÒ»î×ÅÖ±µ½ËÀÈ¥
once again grab the bottle twist the cap              Ôٴζá¹ý¾ÆƿŤ¿ª¸Ç×Ó
to survive your life is yours my life is mine          ÐÒ´æ ÄãµÄÉúÃüÊÇÄãµÄÎÒµÄÉúÃüÊÇÎÒµÄ
no emotions in this world full of lies                Õâ¸ö³äÂú»ÑÑÔµÄÊÀ½çûÓÐÇéÐ÷
step my step and be versatile                      ²È×ÅÎҵĶà±ä²½·¥
love peace and crash that's what it's all about        °®°²¾²²¢ÅöײÔÚÖÜΧ
alone by yourself than you lack there's no doubt about  Äã×Ô¼º¹Â¶À¶ø²»ÊÇÄãȱ·¦¼á¶¨
i'm always into something making moves to improve  ÎÒÒ»Ö±ÔÚijЩÊÂÇéÖлñÈ¡½ø²½
what would you do if you where in my shoes        Èç¹ûÄãÔÚÎÒµÄЬ×ÓÀïÄã»á×öʲô
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