转载来的,风险自负,具体如何实现的肯定有违规的地方,被ban或者怎样都别找我。 下面是作者原话:Q. Will I get banned?A. No guarantees to anything in life. Especially with stuff like this. Use it at your own discretion
Q. Is it safe?A. How this thing works in layman terms, is that it is giving you an overlay
map(imagine the program sticking a live hand drawn transparency on your monitor right corner every 50ms) by reading your CLASSIC D2/LOD game file and matching it with your D2R game file. Nothing is written or injected to your actual D2R game.
详细资料说明见附件。【风险自负】地图显示mod使用教程.rar 【风险自负】地图显示mod使用教程.rar (3085 K) 下载次数:393